Tuesday, 9 August 2011

You do not need special equipment for the practice of yoga.

• Although you can buy foam yoga mat, a towel on a carpeted floor will do just as well.
• To practice at home, have an open room with no furniture.
• The room should be comfortable, warm and quiet.
• Try yoga practice every day.
• At the same time, it would be good. Do not force.
• A yoga session should be fun.
• Spend time is not affected and no rush. Exercise helps loosen stiff joints in the morning after sleep. Exercise releases tension in the afternoon.
• If you eat a yoga practice for at least two hours before.
• Many of our daily activities tend to emphasize the use of a part or side of the body. A healthy balance and harmony, it is important to keep all parts of the body strong and flexible. These yoga exercises every muscle in your body to the left and right profession.


Prenatal care when they commit body and soul, life and creates a rare and precious experience of learning. Yoga can help maintain a healthy pregnancy and easy delivery. Slowly and carefully, to relax and strengthen the position and helps the body to adjust physical changes temporarily. Breathing exercises can help you get the most out of your breath.

What you can not do during pregnancy
• Do not arch.
• Do not try the lobster.
• Support-Plough and shoulder, if it is comfortable to wear.
• Setting the cobra (or seventh place in the sun salutation).
• Never touch the peacock.
• Do not stand on his head for the first time during pregnancy. If you continue as usual until it becomes uncomfortable (the fourth month).

A Balanced Diet

The recommended diet for a student of yoga is a simple vegetarian and healthy, natural foods that are easily digestible. It keeps the body vital and healthy and calm the mind and free thought, without pause. Processed and canned foods should be avoided whenever possible.

In yoga philosophy, diet affects more than our physical well-being. Our vital energy, mental and emotional health is not affected by food intake. The practice of meditation exercises, postures and breathing for the body and mind in harmony. Eating the right foods is an important element in achieving this goal. Foods that are good for us, said sattvic or pure. Unclean food can be identified, the balance of our physical, emotional or mental, as members of categories. Tamas (stale or rotten) and rajas (stimulant). You should avoid these foods.

Avoid foods tamasic
Drawings made of green cheese, Tamás, ripe or rotten. What are the toxins in the body, dull sap our energy and intelligence. Tamasic foods are meat and fish, mushrooms and other foods, frozen, canned, heated. Foods that are fermented, such as vinegar, are Tamasic, like all drugs and alcohol. Overeating is also known as Tamas.

Avoid foods rajasic
Onions and garlic, snuff, eggs, coffee, tea, pepper and other spices and foods that are sliced ​​sour, bitter or sour. Chocolate, food, white sugar, white flour, and smarter and more comfortable than less rajasic. These substances stimulate the passions and most of them to stimulate the mind, making it difficult to control. Eating too fast and too much is to eat food combinations rajasic.

Choose products sattvic
Sattvic ideal diet foods are nutritious and easily digestible. Create a new energy and a clear head, calm, so we can all our mental, physical and intellectual abilities. Sattvic products are cereals, fruits and vegetables, juice, water, milk, butter, beans, honey and pure.

Stop smoking
The philosophy of yoga are two kinds of unclean food, rajas (more difficult) and Tamas (old or lazy). Snuff is to leave the body of toxins and helps to build a peaceful mind and body.

Avoid caffeine
Cracks of caffeine, a powerful stimulant. A sense of energy and more active in the body artificially. Relax on the influence of the natural sleep cycle in their abilities. If you cut out the tea and coffee from your diet, you'll find that meditation offers.

Drink and A New Contraction

Glug, It is the sound of the books that poured on him. Studies show that liquid calories 411 clicks per day, almost 130 more than in 1990, used, drink included. "We know that reducing the food," said Barry Popkin, PhD, professor of nutritional sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "I always eat the same amount." While a cup of coffee with cream for breakfast a couple of cans of soda for the night, and a few cocktails with dinner and you just double your calorie intake - Chewing gum is not "in relation to changes in shape, and weight gain of a large amount of calories that your Body. "Popkin. Some experts believe that the consumption of sweet and crisp, so indices of satiety in the brain. "Do not eat, drink too much trouble, so it is easy to exaggerate," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, continued to enjoy their favorite music and a few tips. Just follow our guide intelligent SIP.

Hit the bottle 
A bottle of water, that is. This is not the age of eight glasses a day rule is justified, say the researchers, because we have a lot of H2O from other sources, including fruits and vegetables, coffee and tea. But at least two glasses of water a day can have significant benefits, such as weight loss. Thirst is hungry, eat a lot of time for us when our body really needs is water. Void, a glass of water and 15 minutes to an hour. If your stomach is still complaints, as an aperitif. If not, you will probably dehydration.


Food provides the mixture of nutrients the body needs, not just for fitness and wellness, but also in life. Ladies Food shows, dass As you improve your diet and an incredible difference in performance and is easier for a balanced diet if you have a clear idea of ​​each of the six nutrients the body needs these nutrients a. another option but a very important role in the diet. Three of the six, energy, nutrient and energy for the body to burn calories and thus performance. They are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The amount of energy a food depends on the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Energy from food is measured in calories. Calories are the fuel the body needs energy to the knees to move the body, or love, are also transported. Some of the physical processes that occur in your body such as heart rate and tissue repair and growth and development. Software contains nine calories while one gram of carbohydrate or protein contains four calories.

The three essential nutrients are water, so that levels of metabolized nutrients to digest the frequency and an important act of the past, almost all cells and tissues, vitamins and other nutrients such as assistants and registered. Minerals help the body's metabolism, protein and vitamins from their important tasks. The water, vitamins and minerals do not provide energy, but they have their specific function and vital nutrition that can not be replaced or are at risk. The WF program you will learn about the different types of fats and their role in nutrition. The amount of cholesterol your body needs and how to reduce the risk. Why fat makes you fat. Our program provides easy to follow the guidelines and recommendations to keep the fat and cholesterol at optimal levels. You are in the protein and its role in nutrition as well as guidelines for the amount of carbohydrates carbohydrates (simple, complex, and fibers), and daily examples of what they learn to eat everything. Since the fiber is so important to our health, but often do not follow the simple strategies to increase their daily fiber intake, make a list of high fiber foods and quantities of foods to meet their daily needs.

Then you will receive important information about both types of antioxidant vitamins and minerals and the induction of its role in nutrition, foods high in each of the vitamins and minerals, the RDA for each, and what happens if you eat too much or too little. They also learn the vital importance of nutrition, water, the chances of moisture, important guidelines for the consumption of water per day, during and after exercise for control. Over time, with a focus on human resource management, assistance in developing and maintaining a body full of energy and free of diseases and injuries. With WF, realistic and progressive changes in your life, love, healthy diet, permanently.

Choose a GYM

Visit the gym before you sign - perhaps the best way to know if this is the place for you. There are several ways to accomplish this, but here are some ideas you can use to enter and see for yourself:
• Visit the club with a friend. Many gyms free tickets, which regularly meets a friend in the system.
• Get a day pass. See if the gym, you can use the facilities for a day or pay a small fee for the test equipment. You may have to sign a waiver.
• Try one class. Some hospitals do not allow members during training and the circuit is represented by the adoption of a higher class. If you can use is a good way to get a feel for the gym and see if you like.
• Consider a trial membership. Some gyms offer memberships only in the summer or trial memberships to potential customers. It hurts to check.
• Ask for a visit. Most gyms will give you a basic tour of their facilities for free.
• Ask around. If nothing is done in the gym, take a look at the violence, questions about the city. Make sure to ask specific questions about this request, we ask very curious.
See gym sees with his own eyes, if it is a good way to work for you. As always, membership is a real investment, it is useful to know what you buy in advance.

Safety First

Many women's magazines offer advice on physical exercises that are suitable for beginners. Check at the beginning of these exercises, keep a few basic precautions.

• Stay hydrated and watch your heart beat faster.

• Make sure a pair of sneakers for physical activity.

• No more movement and muscle atrophy.

• It is normal to feel some discomfort at the beginning of a new health and fitness program, but ask your doctor if you experience pain or injury.

• If the sport is necessary, masks, goggles or stuffing that is sure to have it.

Or if you speak more than 20 pounds overweight, smoking, talk to your doctor before any exercise program. It can be difficult to train, if you take your weight and overweight women, a training program that is very difficult to have. If you feel intimidated or uncomfortable in the gym, there are other activities you can do outside the gym. Buy a pedometer and lead to a point at least five extra miles a week. Swimming and water aerobics are great exercise if you are overweight, because the water supports your weight and have a little stress on joints.

March for Women Over 65

Walking, especially for women who are older than 65 years, is very advantageous. When you become a part of his work in healthcare, life is not only the body but the mind. Here are some other ways, more than:

• Prevents the onset of arthritis

• Improving the balance reduces the risk of falls

• Reduces the risk of heart disease

• A 20-minute session can compensate for fatigue-free working

• Depending on the mood of the feet and can help counteract depression associated with aging

• Hiking is a family activity and social life. Go to the park with your grandchildren or meet friends in town for a day of shopping. Enjoy the outdoors.

Simple Tips to Start Losing Weight

First you need to do is to promote a lifestyle of eating clean, very simple. Clean energy is something you can start right away, you should do some preliminary changes to your diet.

The next step is to start working. There are many different ways of working and needs a variety of exercises and routines to use in their arsenal to train and not get bored and stop working out! You can start with interval training. Interval training is a good way to burn fat and not spend hours in the gym. Just start with 20-30 minutes per day thereafter.

Third, you need to lose weight, quit smoking, you are! Yes, I said to break. You should make sure you get enough sleep so your body can not store fat and a lot of tension in the days and nights in order to survive.

There Are No Threats, Use of Fitness Equipments

If they are too intimidated to use all equipment in the gym, you're not alone. It is customary in the house at the gym, unless you are familiar with the equipment or if you are ashamed of their bodies, but there are ways to overcome this.
Note that most people do not know at the gym, play with the team, especially on the network. Talk to an employee or a personal trainer at a gym and ask them to help you familiarize yourself with the use of machinery and equipment. If you know how to use the equipment, you'll feel less intimidated.

If you know that during the exercise, remember that most people are too busy to concentrate on your training, you can see, in the middle. Most of the time people think about themselves, rather than how you look. To begin the hard drive performance in the film, despite its efforts, sweats, hot flashes, the operation of the machine is a good abdominal workout, despite his round belly. Who wants to go even to the gym to get fit, focus on your own running program.