Tuesday, 9 August 2011


Food provides the mixture of nutrients the body needs, not just for fitness and wellness, but also in life. Ladies Food shows, dass As you improve your diet and an incredible difference in performance and is easier for a balanced diet if you have a clear idea of ​​each of the six nutrients the body needs these nutrients a. another option but a very important role in the diet. Three of the six, energy, nutrient and energy for the body to burn calories and thus performance. They are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The amount of energy a food depends on the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Energy from food is measured in calories. Calories are the fuel the body needs energy to the knees to move the body, or love, are also transported. Some of the physical processes that occur in your body such as heart rate and tissue repair and growth and development. Software contains nine calories while one gram of carbohydrate or protein contains four calories.

The three essential nutrients are water, so that levels of metabolized nutrients to digest the frequency and an important act of the past, almost all cells and tissues, vitamins and other nutrients such as assistants and registered. Minerals help the body's metabolism, protein and vitamins from their important tasks. The water, vitamins and minerals do not provide energy, but they have their specific function and vital nutrition that can not be replaced or are at risk. The WF program you will learn about the different types of fats and their role in nutrition. The amount of cholesterol your body needs and how to reduce the risk. Why fat makes you fat. Our program provides easy to follow the guidelines and recommendations to keep the fat and cholesterol at optimal levels. You are in the protein and its role in nutrition as well as guidelines for the amount of carbohydrates carbohydrates (simple, complex, and fibers), and daily examples of what they learn to eat everything. Since the fiber is so important to our health, but often do not follow the simple strategies to increase their daily fiber intake, make a list of high fiber foods and quantities of foods to meet their daily needs.

Then you will receive important information about both types of antioxidant vitamins and minerals and the induction of its role in nutrition, foods high in each of the vitamins and minerals, the RDA for each, and what happens if you eat too much or too little. They also learn the vital importance of nutrition, water, the chances of moisture, important guidelines for the consumption of water per day, during and after exercise for control. Over time, with a focus on human resource management, assistance in developing and maintaining a body full of energy and free of diseases and injuries. With WF, realistic and progressive changes in your life, love, healthy diet, permanently.

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